Inspired by Creation
Ann Bussey
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Welcome to my online creative corner. I’m Ann, an artist and retired educator. I am inspired by the beauty and intricacies of nature. Regardless of what else is happening in the world, God’s creation remains amazing and lovely. Nature and art are great therapy!

Packing Light
Many years ago I began taking sketch and paint kits with me wherever I go. Soon I will be adding a blog to this site to share travel kit tips and much more!

Plein Air Painting
From the sketchbook to the easel. In recent years I have discovered plein-air painting and greatly enjoy this outdoor art adventure. If only I can learn not to fret over the details as I am so accustomed to.
Explore Creation...

From the sandy shores to mountain peaks and everything in between. Inspiration abounds from the Master Artist.
Realism & Exploration
My art is created both in my studio and on site.
A realist at heart, I love capturing the finest details of my subjects. I often draw and paint from photographs I have taken through the years, but I also enjoy sketching on site to capture moments and memories.
Currently I am exploring Plein-air painting, which is especially challenging for me as it requires a much more relaxed and expressive approach.
One is never too old to explore new art adventures so the journey continues…